In the case of air pollutants, the discussion of the emission situation of freight and private transport in green cities is currently focussing on formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides, which are harmful to health. In the case of stationary systems, air pollution control is being developed with partly city- and country-specific objectives. The future requirements in Germany are being and in some cases have already been newly regulated.
Biogas and special gas-fired power plants have already attracted attention in the past due to high carbon monoxide and, in particular, aldehyde emissions during operation. For this reason, a formaldehyde limit value of 40 mg/Nm3 was introduced with the 2009 amendment to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).
In the case of air pollutants, the discussion of the emission situation of freight and private transport in green cities is currently focussing on formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides, which are harmful to health. In the case of stationary systems, air pollution control is being developed with partly city- and country-specific objectives. The future requirements in Germany are being and in some cases have already been newly regulated.
Biogas and special gas-fired power plants have already attracted attention in the past due to high carbon monoxide and, in particular, aldehyde emissions during operation. For this reason, a formaldehyde limit value of 40 mg/Nm3 was introduced with the 2009 amendment to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).