Mannsperger Biogas - MDE/MTU

As an energy and plant electronics engineer, Mr Mannsperger knows what he is talking about. He carries out most of the maintenance on his MTU/MDE CHP plant himself and is very satisfied with its utilisation.
‘There are only a few biogas plants in the region and the crop rotation in the fields is very cereal-heavy, so the biogas plant was a good fit for the region and the environment,’ recalls operator Mr Mannsperger. In 2009, the first CHP plant with 160 kW was put into operation. Thanks to the short distances, the plant has integrated well into the business. With 50 % slurry and manure, it has cost-effective input materials, utilises the heat excellently and thus fits in perfectly with the livestock farm with 600 pig fattening places. This means that the slurry can be utilised well and the crop rotation can be extended by growing maize. Bernd Mannsperger has hired an employee with a lorry driver’s licence to regularly transport the manure and slurry. He not only runs the farm himself, but is also a trained energy and plant electronics technician. This enables him to carry out the maintenance of the combined heat and power plant largely on his own. ‘The training and specialised knowledge in energy and plant electronics are a great advantage here,’ explains Bernd Mannsperger. He is very satisfied with his engines due to the good capacity utilisation.

The system is not yet receiving a formaldehyde bonus, but discussions are currently taking place with the energy supplier Netze BW.

Nevertheless, Bernd Mannsperger has an annual emissions measurement carried out and, following the installation of the oxidation catalytic converter from Emission Partner, his formaldehyde emissions are well below 40 mg. He takes the measurements voluntarily – for the sake of the environment and good neighbourliness.

As an energy and plant electronics engineer, Mr Mannsperger knows what he is talking about. He carries out most of the maintenance on his MTU/MDE CHP plant himself and is very satisfied with its utilisation.
‘There are only a few biogas plants in the region and the crop rotation in the fields is very cereal-heavy, so the biogas plant was a good fit for the region and the environment,’ recalls operator Mr Mannsperger. In 2009, the first CHP plant with 160 kW was put into operation. Thanks to the short distances, the plant has integrated well into the business. With 50 % slurry and manure, it has cost-effective input materials, utilises the heat excellently and thus fits in perfectly with the livestock farm with 600 pig fattening places. This means that the slurry can be utilised well and the crop rotation can be extended by growing maize. Bernd Mannsperger has hired an employee with a lorry driver’s licence to regularly transport the manure and slurry. He not only runs the farm himself, but is also a trained energy and plant electronics technician. This enables him to carry out the maintenance of the combined heat and power plant largely on his own. ‘The training and specialised knowledge in energy and plant electronics are a great advantage here,’ explains Bernd Mannsperger. He is very satisfied with his engines due to the good capacity utilisation.

The system is not yet receiving a formaldehyde bonus, but discussions are currently taking place with the energy supplier Netze BW.

Nevertheless, Bernd Mannsperger has an annual emissions measurement carried out and, following the installation of the oxidation catalytic converter from Emission Partner, his formaldehyde emissions are well below 40 mg. He takes the measurements voluntarily – for the sake of the environment and good neighbourliness.