Exhaust gas aftertreatment
for Europe, 100 %
Made In Germany

Our vision

The quality of our air has a major impact on humans, animals and the environment. Our vision is to reduce pollutant emissions from combined heat and power plants as much as possible in the long term – far beyond the day of the exhaust gas measurement. Catalytic converters from Emission Partner help to limit climate-impacting emissions and keep our air clean. At Emission Partner, we pursue a long-term mission and focus on durability and reusability. Emission Partner catalytic converters are made of high-quality components and can be recycled. We consciously consider the impact of our product on the environment and try to keep this as low as possible.

Our mission

Reducing emissions means much more than developing and installing a good catalytic converter. The reduction of exhaust gases begins with monitoring the quality of the fuel gas, continues with the optimization of combustion and ends with the appropriate catalytic converter technology. The right choice of engine oils can significantly reduce catalytic converter ageing, for example. In this environment, we are partners and consultants to our customers. From the engine-specific selection of catalytic converters to installation and exhaust gas measurement support, we remain committed to our customers in the long term and help them not only to comply with the legal limits, but also to save money by optimizing the operation of their gas engines.

We not only advise decentralized power generators such as municipal utilities, combined heat and power plant manufacturers and biogas plant operators, but we also develop and manufacture individual products for optional exhaust gas aftertreatment if required.


Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Goeman

Founder, Emission Partner GmbH & Co. KG

We not only advise decentralized power generators such as municipal utilities, combined heat and power plant manufacturers and biogas plant operators, but we also develop and manufacture individual products for optional exhaust gas aftertreatment if required.


Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Goeman

Founder, Emission Partner GmbH & Co. KG

Biogas growth market
Emission Partner is a pioneer

Biogas is the all-rounder among renewable energies. Biogas plants supply electricity when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing. Biogas plants can be combined to form virtual networks and can supply electricity on demand or even take power from the grid when necessary. The approximately 9500 biogas plants installed in Germany are already a major pillar of the electricity grid. Stored as biomethane in the natural gas grid, it can be utilized if both electricity and heat find a consumer.
Even though the number of new biogas plants has fallen drastically, biogas remains a growth engine because the existing plants are constantly changing and, for example, more and more engines are being installed in the biogas plants through flexibilization, which in turn are only switched on at peak demand times.

Biogas catalytic converter
The future is sulphur-resistant

What is the point of all the euphoria surrounding green energy if the emissions of biogas CHP plants are higher than those of comparable natural gas CHP plants?
In the long term, green energy will only prevail if it is produced cleanly. The short service lives of the first catalytic converters in biogas CHPs were the motivation and incentive for a new generation of catalytic converters, which must be able to cope with the very high sulphur loads and at the same time safely convert carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.

Biogas catalytic converter
The future is sulphur-resistant

What is the point of all the euphoria surrounding green energy if the emissions of biogas CHP plants are higher than those of comparable natural gas CHP plants?
In the long term, green energy will only prevail if it is produced cleanly. The short service lives of the first catalytic converters in biogas CHPs were the motivation and incentive for a new generation of catalytic converters, which must be able to cope with the very high sulphur loads and at the same time safely convert carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.